Klymkowsky will speak about the innovative ways he and his collaborators utilize AI Bots in their classes. His Bots, which he named Dewey and Rita, act like “tutors” for his students. They also can analyze students’ work and instructors’ questions, providing feedback and suggestions to instructors and course designers that can help students overcome conceptual obstacles and help enhance their learning skills and outcomes. Recent surveys show that a large majority of both undergraduate and graduate students are using Artificial Intelligence tools, encouraging the development of new ideas on how to incorporate generative AI strategically into college and university coursework.
Attendees will gain insights into practical strategies for fostering engagement among institutions in the MS-CC community to participate in and contribute to cyberinfrastructure, supporting their researchers and educators in leveraging cyberinfrastructure, and building sustainable engagement strategies that drive long-term success.
Publication of research datasets is now a requirement of most funding agencies and journals. Data curation is the process of ensuring that these datasets are findable, accessible, and usable. In the era of Big Data, the generation of datasets with sizes on the order of 100s of gigabytes and larger is increasingly common. Such large datasets create challenges for both the curation and publishing of data as they often cannot be accessed on standard computer hardware or hosted in traditional online repositories. This presentation provides an overview of a collaborative process between the CU Boulder Libraries and CU Boulder Research Computing in which high-performance computing infrastructure is used to curate and publish gigabyte- and terabyte-scale datasets in a manner that makes them accessible to the research community.
Join us for a student career panel where you will hear from HPC professionals about how they entered the HPC workforce and what they are looking for when hiring new employees. This will be a one hour session broke into presentations and time for questions