Welcome to the 2025 RMACC HPC Symposium!
Wednesday May 21, 2025 10:30am - 11:00am MDT
A universal quantum computer can be used as a simulator capable of predicting properties of diverse quantum systems. Electronic structure problems in chemistry offer practical use cases around the hundred-qubit mark. This appears promising since current quantum processors have reached these sizes. However, mapping these use cases onto quantum computers yields deep circuits, and for pre-fault-tolerant quantum processors, the large number of measurements to estimate molecular energies leads to prohibitive runtimes. As a result, realistic chemistry is out of reach of current quantum computers in isolation. A natural question is whether classical distributed computation can relieve quantum processors from parsing all but a core, intrinsically quantum component of a chemistry workflow. Here, we incorporate quantum computations of chemistry in a quantum-centric supercomputing architecture, using up to 6400 nodes of the supercomputer Fugaku to assist a quantum computer with a Heron superconducting processor. We simulate the N2 triple bond breaking in a correlation-consistent cc-pVDZ basis set, and the active-space electronic structure of [2Fe-2S] and [4Fe-4S] clusters, using 58, 45 and 77 qubits respectively, with quantum circuits of up to 10570 (3590 2-qubit) quantum gates. We obtain our results using a class of quantum circuits that approximates molecular eigenstates, and a hybrid estimator. The estimator processes quantum samples, produces upper bounds to the ground-state energy and wavefunctions supported on a polynomial number of states. This guarantees an unconditional quality metric for quantum advantage, certifiable by classical computers at polynomial cost. For current error rates, our results show that classical distributed computing coupled to quantum computers can produce good approximate solutions for practical problems beyond sizes amenable to exact diagonalization.
Wednesday May 21, 2025 10:30am - 11:00am MDT
Room 207

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