Welcome to the 2025 RMACC HPC Symposium!
Tuesday May 20, 2025 1:00pm - 2:15pm MDT
      Klymkowsky will speak about the innovative ways he and his collaborators utilize AI Bots in their classes.  His Bots, which he named Dewey and Rita, act like “tutors” for his students.  They also can analyze students’ work and instructors’ questions, providing feedback and suggestions to instructors and course designers that can help students overcome conceptual obstacles and help enhance their learning skills and outcomes.
Recent surveys show that a large majority of both undergraduate and graduate students are using Artificial Intelligence tools, encouraging the development of new ideas on how to incorporate generative AI strategically into college and university coursework.

Mike Klymkowsky

University of Colorado Boulder
Tuesday May 20, 2025 1:00pm - 2:15pm MDT
Wolf Law Courtroom

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