High-performance computing (HPC) research thrives on collaboration, yet institutional data silos often hinder progress. This extends beyond the storage hardware itself to where data is being siloed in departments and institutions alike. Accelerating scientific progress and innovation requires enabling secure data discovery and sharing across not only institutions, but scientific disciplines as well. Federated access models, controlled permissions, and distributed compute environments enable seamless yet secure collaboration. By facilitating data discovery across disciplines and optimizing shared infrastructure, organizations can break down barriers, enhance research efficiency, and drive cross-disciplinary insights that push the boundaries of scientific advancement.
With the recent changes to the NIH Genomic Data Sharing Policy, more focus is being placed on compliance today. Organizations are looking for solutions to meet these new requirements. In this session we will discuss how Globus data management services allow users to confidently work with controlled-access data. We will cover all the product features that address managing controlled-access data to enable compliance with NIST SP 800-171. We will demonstrate how with High Assurance collections the service meets these new requirements.